Nursing Care
When you choose Bromson Hill Nursing Home, you’re choosing to live your life to the fullest! Our staff works to make sure you can do that without worry by taking care of any health requirements you may have.
24 Hour Care
Nursing staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide medical and other forms of specialized support, including dementia care.
The Home offers accommodation and services for persons who require nursing or personal care, treatment of disease, injury or disorder, diagnostic and screening procedures

How We Provide The Best Care
We draw on professional guidelines for the services the home provides. In pursuit of the best possible care we will do the following:
1. Produce for each resident a Care Plan that is implemented, regularly reviewed and updated.
2. Seek to meet or arrange for appropriate professionals to meet the health care needs of each resident.
3. Establish and carry out careful procedures for the administration of residents’ medicines.
4. Take steps to safeguard residents’ privacy and dignity in all aspects of the delivery of health and care.
5. Treat with special care residents who are dying, and sensitively assist them and their relatives

Our Nursing Care Mission
Nursing Care is designed for people with compound healthcare needs and rehabilitation which cannot be accomplished through in-home care as it requires the supervision of fully qualified nurses. Bromson Hill Nursing Home ensures that we meet the need of every, unique individual care requirements. We have an established team of nurses and qualified carers who provide excellent nursing as prescribed by each resident’s specialist and family doctor. We employ staff in sufficient numbers with a mix of relevant skills to meet our goal of providing the best care possible for each individual.